The Texas Center For Reproductive Acupuncture
As Founder and Clinical Director of TCRA, I'm proud to say it all started here. Over nearly 20 years of clinical practice I've worked with thousands of infertile couples and have pioneered new strategies to help those couples improve their chances of conceiving. We integrate the best of conventional reproductive medicine and natural fertility care.
The Texas Center for Reproductive Acupuncture is one of the oldest and most established reproductive acupuncture centers in North America. With over thirty years of combined clinical experience, our team of acupuncture experts has developed a comprehensive treatment program that emphasizes a nurturing and natural, holistic approach to reproductive wellness. Our approach strives to balance and restore the systems of the body in order to promote optimal reproductive health, and enhance fertility.
Your experience is unlike any other patient’s. This is why our specialized team uses every resource available to create a treatment plan to fit your needs. Our trusted network includes acupuncture and holistic experts and works with obstetricians, gynecologists, and reproductive endocrinologists. Our compassionate staff provides top notch complementary care for all patients trying to get pregnant naturally, using IUI or IVF, or dealing with a full spectrum of reproductive system conditions. We look forward to finding the wellness plan that takes care of your body and has long lasting changes for your life and for your family.
Our Office
The Texas Center for Reproductive Acupuncture
4131 Spicewood Springs Road
Building 4a
Austin TX 78759